
Please accept this letter as my way of saying thank you for looking into my matter, especially Ms. Ashlee White. Your responses and opinions have been greatly valued. I hope that my material didn’t inconvenience you too much.

I understand how valuable your firm’s time is and I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate what you did for me. It’s unfortunate that we cannot proceed further against this group, however, I respect your conclusion and realize that it would be of great expense to your firm to continue where the conclusion may be uncertain at this time.

I encourage you to please continue to offer your preliminary service to others in a similar circumstance without cost. This kind of service is rare, but I know that it will be helpful to those in real need of justice with nowhere else to turn.

Again, thank you very much. I wish your firm all the best in the future.

As stated by the court in Reasons for Decision in Directright Cartage Ltd. v. London Life Insurance Company (October 18, 2001) in relation to our firm:

"The Class Counsel in the case at hand is experienced in class proceedings. It is apparent from the evidence and submissions at the fairness hearing that the class members have been well represented."

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As stated by the court in Reasons for Decision in Thompson McCutcheon v. The Cash Store Inc. and Rentcash (May 10, 2006) in relation to our firm:

"He has retained experienced counsel and - notwithstanding the need to prove and rely upon the laws of other Canadian jurisdictions to a limited extent - I see no reason to doubt that his interests and those of the class will be adequately represented."

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In addition, we have been recognized by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice as counsel having "...a reputation for integrity of the highest order".

As stated by the court in Reasons for Decision in Bellaire et al v. Daya et al (December 7, 2007), in relation to our firm:

"Class Counsel funded the disbursements and inventoried their time. The Distribution Plan crafted reflects counsel's very considerable experience and provides a cost-efficient manner of distributing proceed of settlement to Class members".

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In Robinsons v. Rochester Financial Limited, 2010 O.N.S.C. 5116, the court noted that we:

"are experienced litigation counsel and specialists in the class action area... the work undertaken was necessary, reasonable and performed with a high level of skill and diligence".

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In Robinson v. Rochester Financial Limited, 2012 ONSC 911, the Court refers to us as "highly-qualified and reputable counsel" and notes that the action would not have been commenced, let alone resolved, had it not been for our "initiative, tenacity and persistence…in the face of widespread apathy on the part of all Class Members".

The Court further notes that it is "satisfied that Class Counsel have demonstrated commendable diligence, perseverance and skill in pursuing a challenging piece of litigation and bringing it to a successful conclusion".

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An important note Learn more